"Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Fr. Padre Arrupe, S.J.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Stations of the Cross

Many Catholics attend a Stations of the Cross presentation during Lent. During the presentation, Catholics are reminded of the excruciating pain and suffering Jesus experienced for us. Several parishes in the Biloxi Diocese will be holding a Stations of the Cross presentation. Below is a list of time and dates:

St. John the Evangelist, Gulfport: Friday (noon and 6PM)
St. Ann Mission, Hurley: All Week (7PM)

Bishop Morin Reflects on First Year

The Gulf Pine Catholic newspaper recently interviewed Bishop Morin about his first year as Bishop of the Biloxi Diocese. Check out the article here .

Monday, March 29, 2010

Stand By Me - Video For Change

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.

Holy Moly! Holy Week Begins

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week for Catholics. Mass began with the blessing of the palms. This reminds Catholics about the crowds who waved palm branches at Jesus demonstrating their belief that he was the Messiah.

Holy Week is an important and busy time for Catholics. On Holy Thursday, mass is celebrated in remembrance of the Last Supper. Friday is Good Friday and the only day during the year that Catholics do not celebrate mass. Many attend the stations of the cross or other prayer services to honor the day Jesus died. Catholics celebrate the Easter vigil on Saturday, which is a longer mass celebration. During this time, the Easter candle is blessed. Finally, Easter Sunday mass is a joyous celebration of Jesus' resurrection.

Happy Holy Week everybody!